Soft Lobster Tacos with Avocado Cream and Mango Salsa

Friday, May 3, 2013

Tacos get classy with succulent chunks of lobster meat, mango salsa, and avocado crema. For Taco Tuesday, or any day.

Soft Lobster Taco  #pkwayI live in Boston and have family and friends in Maine, so you can understand that I eat lobster every now and again. I’m fairly certain it’s required.

I know, life is hard.

Anyway, I hadn’t eaten lobster in about six months* and picked some up this past weekend to satisfy my craving for lobster rolls. Then I remembered Cinco de Mayo was coming up and this ambrosial dish was born.

And there’s not much to say about it other than it’s the perfect meal for a lobster and Mexican food lover like me.

Lobster Tacos

Lobster Taco and Mango SalsaSimply take some fresh lobster meat—be cognizant of the sustainability issues*—and cut into whatever size chunks you like. Give a squeeze of fresh lime juice and toss. Don’t go crazy: you don’t want the lobster to taste acidic, you’re just giving it a soupçon of citrus. Spread a soft corn tortilla with avocado cream, a fine purée of avocado with a touch of lime juice and dairy (yogurt, sour cream, or crème fraîche all work); or just use guacamole. Spoon a few chunks of lobster on the avocado bed and top with mango salsa. (Or, if stone fruit is in season, watch my cooking video and go with peach salsa. More or less the same, thing, different fruit.)

Lobster TacoGarnish with additional cilantro if desired.
Of course you could also serve this dish in a crispy taco shell, as they do in the local restaurant that inspired my version. Either works just fine, simply depends on your mood.

Though I must admit that I think my version is prettier.
I also enjoyed rolling it up with my hand and taking a big bite.
Eat it over a plate, though, because as you know things always drip out the sides when chowing down tacos.

My favorite crustacean may add elegance, after all, but a lobster taco is still a taco.

In a great way.

* Higher on the food chain than oysters and mussels and often with a demand that outweighs supply, Homarus americanus is prone to a host of sustainability issues, discussed here, here, and here. While a protein-rich, low-calorie, tasty food, it should only be enjoyed once in a while to protect the species, keeping a careful eye on fishing practices and sourcing.

Learn more about food personality and health expert Dr. PK Newby here, or her experience as a nutrition scientist, professor, and consultant here. Or click here if you just want to ogle food porn featuring plant-based, globally inspired cooking.

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Dr. P.K. Newby is a nutrition scientist, speaker, and author with expertise in all things food, farm to fork, whether preventing obesity and other chronic diseases through diet or teaching planet-conscious eating. As a health expert and food personality, she brings together her passions for food, cooking, science, and sustainability to educate and inspire, helping people eat their way towards better health, one delectable bite at a time. Healthy Hedonism (TM) is her philosophy: Because healthy food shouldn’t suck.

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