As a scientist, I spend a lot of time thinking about how diet impacts our health and environment. I also love hanging out in the kitchen: I grew up cooking, baking, and gardening and spent years working in restaurants and catering. My mission? To bring together my passions for food, health, and sustainability to help you translate principles of sound nutrition and green eating to your plate through my science-based and food-loving philosophy of “Healthy Hedonism”. Forget boring vegetarian dishes and complete denial: there’s a better way to live and eat (and chocolate and martinis are definitely involved). Here at "Cooking & Eating the PK Way" you’ll find recipes to help you lose weight, prevent disease, and live longer. But pleasure—that’s the “hedonism” part of the equation—is always at the center of the plate. After all, it doesn’t matter how good for you something is: if it’s not tasty, you’re not eating it—and neither am I!