Are Crickets the New Kale? Or, Eating Insects in NYC (Video)

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Are crickets the next superfood? Insects are a far more sustainable source of animal protein than terrestrial mammals and most seafood, but will people otherwise unaccustomed choose them for dinner?

One of the things I talk and write about frequently is the future of food. But things are changing fast, and foods that were once on the horizon for the American dinner table are now popping up on mainstream restaurant menus—at least in New York City. So when I spotted traditional Chapulines (Oaxacan Grasshoppers with guacamole and chiles) in the appetizer section, I couldn’t resist the urge to try insects for the first time. And I challenged my family members at the table—including my 8 year old niece and 13 year old nephew—to grab a fork and give it a shot too. Watch and see what happens!

(And forgive the crazy bad video quality, please, as this was filmed on the fly in Dos Caminos with its lovely lighting for ambience, but not so much for shooting videos.)

Note: I meant grasshoppers. Not shown: tequila.

Have you ever eaten insects? Or would you? Let me know in the comments!

Learn more about food personality and health expert Dr. PK Newby here, or her experience as a nutrition scientist, professor, and consultant here. Or click here if you just want to ogle food porn featuring plant-based, globally inspired cooking.

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Dr. P.K. Newby is a nutrition scientist, speaker, and author with expertise in all things food, farm to fork, whether preventing obesity and other chronic diseases through diet or teaching planet-conscious eating. As a health expert and food personality, she brings together her passions for food, cooking, science, and sustainability to educate and inspire, helping people eat their way towards better health, one delectable bite at a time. Healthy Hedonism (TM) is her philosophy: Because healthy food shouldn’t suck.

Copyright © 2011-2020 P.K. Newby. All Rights Reserved.

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