Monday, December 10, 2012

Here’s hoping my third marathon will be as successful as my first two!
It’s the second week of December, and I have a lot on my mind. I’m trying desperately to achieve year-end professional and personal goals, finish Christmas shopping (which requires starting), and not gain ten pounds as I attend various holiday parties overflowing with platters of fabulous Christmas cookies and festive holiday cocktails. Come to think of it, it was just about this time last year when holiday panic began to set in, slowly creeping towards eleven.
This week also marks the beginning of marathon training for my next race on April 15, 2013. But why am I telling you, given my blog is dedicated to food, nutrition, cooking, sustainability, and so forth?
Well, as my regular readers know, the topics of obesity and chronic disease prevention certainly come up frequently, as these are the subjects of my research expertise that inform the way I cook, eat, and live. And, every once in awhile, I’ll say something directly about fitness to provide additional perspective on this other side of the energy balance equation that’s so important for general health and weight. Or, in today’s case, tell you about my latest adventure integrating my passions for science and health. (No cooking required.)
My Next Marathon: It’s Not About Me
Next spring will be my third marathon, after running Boston in 2010 and Maine in 2011. My first race was one of the greatest days of my life (more here), and I learned I was a mudder in my second marathon when I ran through torrential rains in Portland and qualified for Boston.
Now, I won’t lie: marathon training is not easy, and it takes a considerable amount of time and discipline. But I’m not complaining. Why? Well, firstly because nobody’s making me do it, obviously, and I will admit that I’m pretty excited to be participating as a time-qualified runner. More importantly, however, is that I am working again with the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge team this year to raise money for cancer research. Our goal is to raise $4.6 million for the Claudia Adams Barr Program in Innovative Basic Cancer Research, which fosters scientific breakthroughs by advancing the work of young researchers.
It is amazing how cancer impacts so many peoples’ lives, in my family and no doubt in yours. I am honored to be a part of the Dana-Farber team and raise money for cancer research. I run to celebrate, remember, and honor individuals impacted by cancer. It is for each of them I know—and the many others touched by cancer I don’t—that I am running.
Dear readers, this blog will not become sports nutrition- or marathon-centered, trust me; it’s just not my gig (baby). But every now and again I may talk marathon, with the goal of inspiring or—gulp—even asking you perhaps to support my run. I am humbled yet unashamed to ask you, as 100% of funds raised go directly to research, enabling scientists to discover new ways to prevent and treat cancer.
Go Science! Cure Cancer!
And now? Off to the gym, and onward with Dana Farber’s “Mission Possible”—the campaign to conquer cancer.
To visit my official marathon page and make a donation, click here to help me raise $12,340, which, together with the $12,660 I raised in 2010, will bring me to my $25,000 goal.
Thank you for considering, and thank you for reading.
You are such an inspiration!!! Can’t wait to hear all about training and racing this time around!